Peoples lifestyle inc
I want a refund on the book call thr number back and they said to call customer relations at 985-646-0214 no answer the number 985-646-1700 they said they cant help you. They are a rip off of 48


People lifestyle is a rip off of 48.95. I wanted a refund onthe book I call 985-646-1700 they told me that I would have to talk to customer relations at 985-646-0214 I have called at different hours and there is no answer. All they want is your money.

Company: Peoples lifestyle inc
Country: USA
State: Louisiana
City: Slidell
Address: 1503 gause blvd #102
Phone: 9856461700
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People's Lifestyle
Ip-off, no actual person at coustomer service department

People's Lifestyle Inc
They said that you could make money at home, with a book that they charge you $48.96 most of the company, s in the book is FRAUDULENT companys

Mark Klein - Stewart Plumbing And Steve Jone

Peoples Lifestyle, Inc. They sell a book with a list of home based bussiness they are all as far as the ones i have tried areand you pay forty dollors they make it sound so good some are listed twice and you can not get your money back

People's Lifestyle Inc
Is just a rip off in

Peoples Lifestyle Inc
Rip off artists

Koszinksi Group / Delphi Press
Koszinski group - Delphi Press beware of this ripoff

Mwi Lifestyle Rewards
They take money out of my bank account

Nondelivery of paid items, now they want my driver's license! Ripoff

Lifestyle deals
Charged my chase account39.95