Far East Jade Company
Fareastjade.com not a good deal


The prices may seem like a good deal until you find out its a scam and are out $100 bucks not to mention not getting a refund on the bracelet you sent back due to their, I believe, intentional mistake. Don't end up like me, avoid this site like a plague.

Company: Far East Jade Company
Country: USA
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Solow Solutions

Far East Jade Company
I've already sent you my money, where is my new bracelet

Far East Jade Company/Far East Jade.com
Company failed to issue refund for returned product

Far East Jade Company
Not following through on Return Policy promise - Jade Bracelet

Wpi Ifriends
Big time scam Ripoff Fraudulent Charges

FarEastJade.com / Far East Jade Company
Accepted returned item and failed to refund for item as well as for shipping cost as promised!

Far East Jade
Buyers beware!

Far East Jade
Jade jewelry, jade pendant

Kids - Children In Advertising - Just Our Kids
Scam, ripoff

Ocwen Loan Servicing, Llc
Loan modification? How can this be a loan modification when the payment will be increasing $150.00 per month?