Child support
Child support


I'm a tough working woman who includes a deadbeat baby-daddy. He fails purposely to ensure that he doesn't always have to pay for child support. Because he's in debts i believe he must be place in jail to get a monthapproximately to consider why he should be functioning. Somebody really must consider some type of consequence to ensure that these deadbeats might think before they decide they do not have to work or choose to find odd-jobs which are off the history.

Company: Child support
Country: USA
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Jorge Luis Rivera Aka: Jorgie
Childish, irresposible sperm donor, cheap etc

Jeremy Dale Alms
Deadbeat Father, Liar, Cheater

Danny Lee Gould, Dan Gould
DEADBEAT DAD MINNESOTA, Vernon Center, Mankato, North Mankato Wyoming

Deadbeat dad
Running from child support

Detroy Mathis
AKA Bum Baby Daddy Day late and as of now 1,000 dollars short on his child support

Walter T. L'Hote
Ripoff Dead beat dad owing $10,000 in child Support

Leslie John Kreimeyer
Deadbeat dad

Theotas Stewart, Theolis Stewart, Theotis Stewart, Edwards, Baby Tee, Tee
Deadbeat Dad Deadbeat Dad, Doesn't Pay Child Support, Crook, Drug Dealer Ripoff

Robert Alan Sasko
Deadbeat dad! Ripoff

Luis A. Acosta Jr
Emotional blackmail abuse, deadbeat, liar, sick s.O.B