FLT Grant Institute
Money taken from my bank account


On the above date money was taken from my bank account without authorization by me. To wit $57.61. I have not had any contact with this organization until this appeared on my bank account. I want a full repayment and an explanation. Or else.

Company: FLT Grant Institute
Country: USA
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Grant resource guide
Took $76.21 without my authorization of my bank account

Government Grant

BSM/GRANT has been taking money out of my bank account every month starting in November for 39.95. I have no idea what it is for and every time I call the number I can never get through to talk to someone

First National Government Grant
They promised me money they never gave me then they took my money without authorization from me

FLT Grant Institute
Fraudulent deduction of $59 from my UK bank account

Flt Grant Institute
Fraudulent deduction of $59 from my UK bank account

FLT Grant Institute
Fraudulent deduction from my UK bank account

Galaxy Member Benefits
They called and said they were The Government Grant Co. & I won a $3,500 grant & withdrew $90 out of my bank account

Told me the ywere acting with authorization from my bank to protect my account they were deceptive and dishonest

Unauthorized charge to bank account