Pope Benedict Xvi
Aka benedictus aka benedetto aka benedikt aka lying scumbag pedophile enabler sex crimes covering up colonialist third world enslaver vatican


EDitor's Staff InvestigationNOTICE: The Report below should not be taken seriously. If the Author of this report had something to complain about, they totally discredited themselves by posting the nonsense below. If the author of this Report wants to send us proof of the claims made, we will then post that information and will even redact the authors personal information. The person who posted this has threatened that, because we will not remove the reports about them, they were going to cause us a problem. Complaint is the original and longest running, most popular consumer reporting website. Others have tried to copy us but they have no commitment to free speech and the 1st Amendment. Other copycat websites (many who ripped of our content) accept money to take down postings, cave under pressure of lawsuits or threats to remove postings, and never spend a dime protecting the 1st Amendment. Not complaint. We have a fourteen-year history of fighting for your constitutionally protected rights. This consumer complaints should not have been posted, a mistake by our monitors. It happens. Anyone reading this consumer complaints should not believe a word of it. The author of this Report and others thinks, because they closed their email account we cannot trace anything back to them. They are sorely wrong. Why don't we delete posts like these? Again, it was posted by mistake and should have never been posted. Consumer complaints has a uniform policy to NEVER DELETE any consumer complaints once it is activated. False reports like these are not the norm for consumer complaints. If the comments below were true, it would be considered an informative and great consumer complaints. AS you all know, we live in information age and we will all be blogged somewhere, eventually. Good or bad. Right or wrong... We will all be blogged. And no one would know that better than the EDitor and Founder of Usa Consumer Complaints.com. At least here on consumer complaints the subject of a report can respond. Questions, comments and suggestions about our policies are always welcome, even if we do not agree with you. EDitor's Staffusacomplaints.com AKA Benedictus AKA Benedetto AKA Benedikt AKA, is the biggest scumbag fraud on the planet, and the biggest pedophile child molestor enabler on earth, as he protects and covers up for all child molesting bishops and priests in America, and all over the world. He pretends to be this great moral leader, but in fact he is the biggest scam artist and fraud on the planet by stealing land, money, and wealth from third world people and countries across the face of the earth, in the name of being "religious." He is the true embodiment of all evil, and is at the very least, a fraud, ripoff artist, and con-artist of epic proportions.

Company: Pope Benedict Xvi
Country: USA
Address: Vatican, Italy
Site: vatican.va
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AKA Iron Lady AKA Touchy Feely Creepy Creepy AKA Bag Lady Lying Colonialist Racist Scumbag Pedophile Third World Enslaver Thief

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Www.myworldbenefits.com ripoff

World Benefits - Global Benefits
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United Benefits
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Superior Benefits