CRA (Consumer RecoveryAssociates, LLC) 2697
This is a debt recovery agency that I know nothing about. They just popped up out of nowhere. I never heard of the original creditor. They say I owe a debt and I know that I know nothing of the debt


I had been working on my credit worthiness and I got my overdue bills and alleged bills all straighten out and got it so I could apply for a credit card and was awarded two cards from different banks. After receiving my first card, about a week later I get a letter in the mail from CRA (Consumer Recovery Associates, LLC), telling me that I was in debt and the original creditor was Cross Country Bank. I have never heard of or did business any time in the past with Cross Country Bank. I called CRA and told them that I know that they are a scam and I would report them to the BBB and FTC.

I am filing this report at this time because I believe that I am a potential victim of scams like this because of my age (senior citizen). I am also filing this report to protect other seniors from these ripoff peoplewho may be suffering from memory loss and willingly pay offfraudulant debts such as these. I just hope some one will read this report and not succumb to scams such as these. BE Aware At All Times.

Company: CRA (Consumer RecoveryAssociates, LLC) 2697
Country: USA
Address: 2697 International Parkway, Pkwy 4, Suite 270, Vir
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Portfolio Recovery Associates
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Portfolio Recovery Associates
Clear violation of the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act

Asset Recovery Associates, False Claim of Debt

Portfolio Recovery Associates
Rip off

Portfolio Recovery Associates
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Portfolio Recovery Associates
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Frederick J. Hanna & Associates
Intimidating seniors

Rapid Recovery
Adding Illegal fees to account

Palisades Collection
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Scam, Phishing E-Mail