Alisa Spitzberg
Fernsy, Henya Mentally Ill, Delusional, Defamatory, Dangerous, Lia


Alisa Spitzberg, aka fernsy, who usually cowards behind the name of her poor elderly, Holocaust surviving mother Henya, is one of the most delusional, paranoid, defaming, egocentric, sick people I have ever met. While she is to be pitied for her illness, she continually attempts to smear the names and reputations of good people like Attorney James E. Silverstein and Peter Knecht; Judges Gerald Rosenberg, Villar, Jessner, O'Connor and others; Los Angeles City Attorneys Boags, Kalpakian, and others because she is mentally incapable of taking responsibility for her own abhorrent conduct towards other people. This includes her criminal case for stalking, threatening, assaulting, and violating a restraining order in favor of Tig Notaro.

James E. Silverstein, Attorney, was miraculously able, after over a month of hard work, to convince the Los Angeles County District Attorney's Office in the Mental Health Court, Department 95, to stipulate to her mental competency to stand trial in her criminal stalking and restraining order violation case. This was despite clear and unambiguous evaluations from esteemed Doctors Velarde and Sharma that she was mentally incompetent, and incapable of, amongst other things, linear, rational thought. Her way of thanking him? Lying through her teeth about him, trying to destroy his good name and reputation because she is too mentally ill to appreciate what he did for her. During the case, she threatened him and caused him to recuse himself from her matter. Because no other private attorney would touch her case with a 10 foot pole, she went to trial with a public defender. The jury hung 11-1 in favor of guilt. Somehow, her public defender (who James E. Silverstein has a great deal of respect for) miraculously convinced 1 out of 12 jurors that there was reasonable doubt. Alisa Spitzberg was therefore NEVER ACQUITTED. An acquittal requires a unanimous verdict of not guilty by all 12 jurors, and this never happened for her.

To make it abundantly clear, Alisa Spitzberg is a no one and nothing. She is a dismal failure as a stand-up comedian, and she is a disgrace of a human being. No one cares about, or is interested in her nonsensical crap. Spitzberg is a liar. She is out of her mind. Nothing she says makes sense. Alisa Spitzberg attempts to alter that sad reality by seeking notoriety for all sorts of the alleged wrongs she has reality though, the only victims here are the numerous people she has, and continues to smear, like James E. Silverstein.

Company: Alisa Spitzberg
Country: USA
State: California
City: Los Angeles
Address: 7513 Fountain Avenue, #203
Phone: 3238830154
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James Silverstein
James E. Silverstein law vicious, stupid, perverted, liar, worst lawyer, cheat, con artist, incompetent, libelous, louse, moron, dirty, steals from the elderly and poor, sick man

James Silverstein
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James Silverstein
Fee and plea, bad reputation, liars, crook, loathsome, despicable, creepy

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Peter Knecht
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First National Credit
No $15,000 Credit Yes Rip off