Keen, Liveperson - - Seydali - Penny Clark Babson - Cali - Scorpiosage - Third Eye Psychic - - Seydali - Penny Clark Babson - Cali - Scorpiosage - Third Eye Psychic California


Seydali, a Psychic, I think not, maybe Psychotic yes. I found Seydali on Kasamba an Expert Advice site (at: a while back, in 2005 around August Times and consulted her on a regular basis; I bought many Readings from Seydali but poor me how was I supposed to know that she was lying to me in every Session and in every Communication.

She was simply telling me everything I wanted to hear, sugar coating it and tickling my ears but had never told me the truth. Not to mention at the start of our Communication she even fished around for Information before the Reading. People go to Psychics for the Truth to receive an Open and Truthful Reading, not to be feed happy thoughts all the time, as we all know every story does not end in a Happily ever after situation.

The sick thing is that whatever Seydali had told me, always and I mean always the complete opposite would occur and bear in my Life. But me being a poor soul gained hope and always said to myself Well she must be seeing something that's causing her to say what she's saying to me and I hoped and hoped and hoped.

Going to Seydali every day telling her that the exact opposite is happening every time and each time I purchased a Reading and asked for Clarification, She never even bothered to provide free clarification like she states in her Profile, but asked me to pay each time. And I paid her a High sum of Money on each Consultation as well.

And continually the exact same things happened, she sugar coated, lied, told me what I wanted to hear, and told me to visit her everyday otherwise everything will work out wrong for me because not receiving a Reading regularly will cause me not to be updated and some other bull shit she mentioned, this was probably a Scam tactic of hers to rob me.

But just as I suspected and I'm telling you I'm no Psychic, nothing she said had happened in fact quite the Opposite. Where my Boyfriend had an Argument with me for no apparent reason and stormed out of the House only to contact to me in three Days time to say that he is completely ending it and has found a New Woman.

Well there you go, that explains a lot and I took her every word of advice and I mean every single word. Were I spent money on the Thousands for her, for crap. Seydali is not a Psychic she is nothing at all but a Fake, a Scammer for peoples Money, a Liar, a Fraud a Con Artist, and a Professional Rip Off I'd say. She gives people false hopes and promises, what the heck is that.

In the beginning of my Communication with Seydali she advised me to purchase a Spell from her too, before I started receiving the Readings and boy was that Spell for a High Price. I can't describe how disgusted I am in people like her for their unethical ness. Her so called Powerful Spell went to Crap as well, as you can probably imagine what the Effect was on my Situation from that crusty Spell of hers, more Distress more Anxiety and things turning completely upside down more badly than they actually were before.

I wish I never even came across her nor people like her. So when it comes to Seydali being a Psychic or a Witch I don't think that's true at all not one little bit actually. I felt connected with her because she had the same background as me as I was from Cyprus just like her, and her Profile and Picture attracted me too so I felt she was the one for me to consult, but oh was I proven wrong so badly.

And the way she describes her self in being so well known for her Accuracy is a different Story, I used to read of her quite often in Turkish Magazines and Newspapers where she kept making outrageous predictions and remarks and Drastic/Dramatic Comments on the Turkish Celebrities to stay tops in the Press and to be talked about which tells a lot about her personality too I guess.

But putting that to one side I have also been hearing that Seydali's History is also a mess, I've even heard rumors that in her past she was a Porno Star and was involved in Sex Videos, and Sex Clips on the Internet which is quite frightening. But yet again this is what I've heard and it makes you feel scared and wonder about what sort of people are truly present around us.

My aim in writing this is simply to state my dissatisfaction in some of these so called apparent Psychics or Spell Casters and to make people think twice before purchasing a Service on the Internet.

As judging from my Experience as you can see not everyone is what they claim to be and their are a lot of people out there like Seydali such as others I've come across on Kasamba including Scorpiosage, Penny Clark Babson, Cali and Third Eye Psychic Readings to name but a few. So think twice before flushing your Money down the Toilet and make sure you choose highly Ethical, Caring and Accurate Readers to help you with your needs.

Company: Keen, Liveperson
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
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