Leading love spells/master love spells
Amina sheer asked for money for rituals with promisory note to send the money back and that was the end


Amina sheer of leading love spell with phone no. 5613050266 promised to help my husband get a job and love me as well. She asked for $300 usd which l paid through moneygram. L intentionally mispelt her name to see how genunie she is but she told me she knows people who work in moneygram so that is not a problem. The following morning around 7am, she called and said there is a problem. She has to perform immediate rituals. She told me she used toperform those rituals with human heads but she has stopped because it's expensive so now she uses money because money is the root of all evil. She asked for $1700 but l told her l dont have that kind of amount so if that is the case she has to returned the $300 l have already given to her because she promised me money back. She said she had already started and that the money is with the spirit and she cant get it back otherwise the god will kill her andme as well. After a long conversation online, l was afraid to die to l sent her my last $300 l had in my account to her through money gram with the intention of getting the money back on the same day at 5:00pm and that she will add the rest to it in order to perform the ritual. The momentthis woman got the money she said the gods are angry because she shouldnt bring more money than me and in order for me to me to be safe and for the rituals to work, l have to add extra $250 to the money l had already sent to her. L wept for about an hour and amina sheer promised me money back on the same day. She also sent me a promisory note through an email and after overdrawing my account with the intention of getting the money back on the same day and saving my life as well was the end of my story. She stopped calling me and after a week a man started reponding to calls and he insulted and cursed me for asking for my money. The leading love spells was changed to master love spells.

Company: Leading love spells/master love spells
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Boca roton
Address: florida
Phone: 5613050266
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California Astrology Association
I have to agree with some prior complaints I have read. The spells that I have paid for have had the "opposite" effect, rather than the positive aspect. Do not waste your money. Try the spells on y