Direct Shopping Network
Selling merchandise under the pretext that it is one of a kind and 30 day MB guarantee


I have purchased several rings, pendants and earrings, off this TV station many of which were supposed to be one of a kind items and with the understanding the there was a 30 day satisfaction, money back guarantee if you did not like the item. On more than one occasion, I would purchase a "One of a Kind ring" only to see it offered again later the same week. Once even I purchased a "One of a Kind" ring and the very next night saw them sell it again cheaper than what I paid for it. I called and asked how they could sell it again when I had just purchased it and they told me it had been mistakenly put up for sell but not to worry, that I would receive the ring and they would call the other buyer and let them know. I then again saw it for sale several more time the same month. They also show the items with better quality stones in the jewelry than what you receive. They lie to the viewers and say "they know it sold the other night but the credit card didn't go through", or "the person canceled the order", or "the sale didn't go through". When in reality, the purchaser knows the truth because we are the one making the purchase. This is an ongoing practice of theirs and is not only untruthful but unethical, and should a company should not be allowed to take advantage of consumers in this way. They also over value the jewlery. I have had many of the items i purchased from them apprasied and it only apprasied for about what I paid for it when they tell you it its selling for 90% below wholsale value and they are losing money on it. Secondly, if you return more than 50% of the items you purchase, they put your account on credit hold and won't let you purchase from them. How can they put you on "credit hold" when you are paying for the product by credit card that is in no way affiliated with their company. And not receiving a full refund because they will not refund the shipping even though you pay for it both ways.

Company: Direct Shopping Network
Country: USA
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Direct Shopping Network
Direct shopping network

Direct Shopping Network
Un fair treatment - give low price in beginning

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Jewelry misrepresentation

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Fraud business practices!

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USA Shopping Club
Held back information Union Town

Direct Shopping Network
Consumer Report

Direct Shopping Network
Consumer Report

USA Credit - USA Shopping Club
USA Shopping Club rip-off! After I signed up for the card they refused me my purchase stating the USA credit card could not be used to purchase sale items