Psychic Source
Psychic Source Are Scam Artists (Therese, Moira and the rest of the "5 star bunch")


Please please please do not call Therese, Moira or any ofthose so-called psychics from Psychic Source. They are just scam artists and are as valid as those gypiesyou find at carnivals. Therese told me that I wouldnt get that great job that Iwas interviewing forI got it. Moira strung me along for months telling me that my ex-boyfriend and I weregoing to get back together. When Iquestioned her accuracy and told her I was positive that he wasnt beingtruthful she told me that maybe I was the negative energy and maybe I neededto look at myself and see why I was constantly pushing the poor guy away. She got nasty and threatened to hang upon me if I didnt clear my energy and stop acting crazy. Please. Months later I discovered hegot engaged and she still tried to convince me that she was write and that hewas a bipolar.

I funny acknowledge that I was an idiot for calling thisservice and I got what I deserved. Lies, scammed and an empty pocket. Bottom line is that I dont want others to fall pray to this. Dont call and waste your money.

Company: Psychic Source
Country: USA
State: Pennsylvania
City: Lanchester
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