Joy Shopping Now
Software scam


I ordered MS 2010 MS word Pro from this company for MS Word Pro download. The download and installation would not work and when I reported the problem to the company the link and all contact with the company became broken. Every attempt to get my money back has failed. I and other people I showed this concluded that this is scam.

Company: Joy Shopping Now
Country: USA
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Q Business Solutions
Software HQ It charged me $34.92 to download Photoshop and failed to delive

OEM Solutions
Ripoff, this company is a rip off
Bad download of MS Money 2006 upgrade

Anastore. ws
Software with no activation code
I oedered a free trial of Phentrazine37.5 for 4.95 shipping and handelin on line, I was charged $149.95 for an extra two bottles wich i never ordered. I was ripedoff

Atlantic Coast PLC
SWREG ripoff dishonest fraudulent software download service billing england

Soft 4 Download
Ripoff, SCAM! Fraud Moscow Russia

Ripoff, scam, deceptive Internet

Pep Boys
I had my care repaired at Pep boys only to have it breakdown within two days, the managment was very rude, the mechanics laughed at me and riduculed me and my car still does not work