Kpk enterprises inc
The Right One They can't pay employees on time


The Right One informed us on payday that they could not pay us because they did not have a good month. Excuses are still being made a week later as to why I can not get my paycheck. This is not the first time paychecks have been late. On the actual work ethics, we are told that we MUST make a certain amount of appointments to keep our jobs, and told that they should call 911 and have us arrested for theft of payroll for working and not setting any appointments. This is just a small example of the practices thay use on employees, customers have also been treated badly. The bottom line is $, at any cost or by any means. Please stay away from this company either as an employee or a customer.

Company: Kpk enterprises inc
Country: USA
State: New Jersey
City: Cherry Hill
Address: 1892 Greentree Rd
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Adecco cannot be relied upon for payment to contractors

Worens Group
AgraTronix Corporate Imageworks Gerald E. Stephens Calculated paycheck incorrectly, paid wrong gross amount. Neglected to pay last paycheck for 5-1/2 days. Warren

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Robert Suarez
Greatlakes mgmt Services 1000's of violations of the Texas Payday Act

DM Hoggatt LLC
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Nonpayment to employees, Makes fraudulent appointments, Makes Threats via e-mail and Phone

Elizabeth Arden
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Things Remembered
Of Arkansas doesn't pay their employees, I've worked there nearly a month and still have not received a paycheck! I called their payroll office and all she could say was "oh well." NOT PAYING YOUR EMPLOYEES IS ILLEGAL!