Eric Gerardus Visser
Eric Visser Deadbeat Dad/Abuser: Ducking Child Support


He got away with abusing my cousin, her son and their son together for years. She had to escape him in 2008 and come back to the US where she is from. He destroyed all of her property and the childrens property, pretended to declare bankruptcy so he wouldn't have to divide any profit from selling their house and gave it to other family members.
He threatened her autistic older son's life, refused to pay any child support for their son and has racked up over $15,000 in back child support.

He also managed while they were married to get another woman pregnant and have a child that my cousin didn't find out about until a month ago when his American hating father died (my cousin is American).
He refuses to go to treatment for his abuse issues even though he was arrested for domestic violence.
He is an alcoholic, an abuser and a deadbeat dad. Dutch courts ruled that because the abuse was so bad that he can't harass her or the kids but he still refuses to accept any responsibility and even send anything to his own son.

Company: Eric Gerardus Visser
Country: USA
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