Darius Cordell, Darius Cordell Couture Inc
Darius cordell deceptive practices


If you either don't want to have your day spoiled or end up having to pay much more than you agreed to, then you won't want to have any thing to do with these people

We ordered a dress from them for $640.00, we sent them a check for 50% down and put on the check that this was for 50% of the amount leaving a balance of $320.00. We required nothing from them, no hlep on measurements, noghint other they price quotes.

Approximately 6 to 7 weeks later, we got an E-mail from them (on a Sunday) stating that$580 was still owed, we responded back asking about the price increase. Their response was "you owe the balance that you have made. And the balance you made was correct.", still no explanation of any kind, we exchanged several more E-mails to no avail. At that time with the wedding coming up, we decided that there really was no other choice but to pay the bill, so the very next day (Monday, one day later) we sent them a check for the amount they requested. They never responded back nor did they return any of the E-mails we sent. After about a week we decided it was time to find another dress.

A couple of weeks later we got a collection letter fro both myself and my fiance, for over $1800.00, we contacted them and sent them copies of the E-mails, they we never heard any more from them. Of course that does not keep them from turning it over to other collection agencies forever.

In other words less then 24 hours after increasing the final bill and tell us what it was they had turned it over to collections, even after we told them we had every intentions of paying the bill. They also seem to think that they can increase the bill every time we do a review that they don't like. And they are not above threatening lawsuits, of course they know that they wouldn't stand a chance in court.

Company: Darius Cordell, Darius Cordell Couture Inc
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Frisco
Address: PO Box 2366
Site: dariuscordell.com
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