Fresno Air Terminal
No choice had to board plane w/o Harley Ann


I live in Tulare Ca.-my folks live in Pryor Ok. Mom had to have a major surgery-she needed me there to care for her and dad. I had made arrangements with Delta airlines for me and my 81/2 yr. Old toy poodle Harley Ann-my ticket had to be paid on line for 586.00 from fresno to Tulsa I was told Harley Ann would be a carry on the cost would be 135.00 plus i had to get her health certificate from her vet ($72.00) and supply her with an airline approved kenell ($54.00) Departuretime was 10:24A.M. We arrived between 8:30 and 9:00 am at the ticket counter to check Harley Ann in I was asked for 275.00. The trip was totally unexpected and an emergency. Needless to say I had only 200.00 and was told all well I told her i had gone on line to confirm my cargo and and atotal of the cost, not only to confirm my cost and cargo reservation I spoke to a Delta rep. On the land line to confirm, so there would be no delays due to mom needing me to be there a weekago, I was left standing speechless and in tears... I had ask for a supervisor and was told she cant help what it sid on line or what a rep had told me. She said her emplyee said the cost was 275.00 pay it or leave u r dog... My aunt who drove me to airport had to take Harley Ann back to tulare with her... I was devistated to say the least. Her health certificate was good for only 10 days... On the 8th day I called to make resevations for priority cargo on there the plane would be departing fresno at 6:45 am, on the land line on there recorded messages it specifically states that all live cargo must be there at least one hr. Before departure time and no longer than 4 hrs. My aunt arrived at the airport a little after 5:00 am, once it was her turn at the drop off counter she was told "Nope cant take her its to late -all cargo has to be there w/in 1 1/2 of departing time. Once again me Harley Ann is back in tulare. I miss her very very much Iam far from rich and now am gonna have to wait till after the 1st of august to fly herf to me and am gonna have to pay for another health certificate. What is wrong with whats supposed to be a repitable airline making up there rules as they go along. Iam so heart broken missing her daily and trying to concentrate on caring for my foks... But what can I do? Its as if they could careless I am only one person big whoop-to-doo. I would like to find out who I could make a complaint with at the Fresno Air Terminal? I ciuld use any advise or suggestions. Thank you. Belinda Jones

Company: Fresno Air Terminal
Country: USA
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