Saint Matthew's Churches
Ripoff. No matter what you do they keep sending mail


I had received several letters from these people and at one time I was thinking that they were Christian people. Well, now that I had even followed their directions and returned it back to them, I have saw nothing. I finally saw thru their scheme, I returned the letters back to sender. Low and behold, (no pun intended), my husband gets the letters now.

Today it was one with a rose on a piece of paper, with a picture of Jesus on the back of it. A month ago I called a number that I had gotten from directory assistance, that was supposed to be theirs. It was a voice recording and it doesn't end too soon. Beware, these people don't stop.

Kevil, Kentucky

Company: Saint Matthew's Churches
Country: USA
State: Oklahoma
City: Tulsa
Address: P.O. Box 22114, Tulsa, Ok. 74121
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Prayer By Letters - Saint Matthew's Churches
Ripoff! Tulsa, Oklahoma

Saint Matthew's Churches
Ripoff that my deceased father unfortunately fell for now I can't get them to quit sending me their TRASH

Saint Matthew's Churches
Oklahoma And Saint Matthew's Churches Baltimore These people have been frauding us since May. They use prayer request and they tell you to sow a seed and they give you different amounts. Ripoff

Saint Matthew's Churches
Asking me too send in seed monies, so too reap God's will Ripoff

Saint Matthew's Churches

Prayer By Letters-saint Matthew's Churches
Ripoff-i gave $20.00 each time i got a letter and it adds up to about $620.00

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