Szl, Inc
Almost ruined my husaband driving caree


My husband went to work for this JOKER in December and worked there for about 3 months. Before too long we were in the negitive with the truck we were leasing and in the midst of loosing it all so we decided that he would turn the truck back in. This guy had NO YARD for these trucks, the inside of this truck we filthy and the guy said in the contract that we would pay around 1.65 for fuel. Needless to say that was way off from what we were actually paying.

We turned the truck back in on March 24 in the exact same spot as where we picked it up. It had everything that Bill had given my husband to use, fuel cards, fifth wheel puller, the works. We called and said we couldn't do this anymore here's your truck. He told us that was fine, no worries and we went on our merry way.

My husband searched and searched and could not find work until we had a company that was nice enough to tell us why no one would hire my husband. It was his DAC report. He put on there loss of equipment, unathourized use of company funds and a whole string of other lies. We fought it and wond, or so we thought. We got it all removed using DACFIX and then Bill turned around and put it right back on. Luckily in the time it was off my husband found another job.

My husband had to file for unemployment because of this company and not being able to find work, Bill fought it and lost, but he has appealed the desion three times.

This guy is not only a liar, but a theif and he will not let up. It's been 2 years and we are still fighting with this guy!

Stay away from this company or you'll regret it!!!

Company: Szl, Inc
Country: USA
State: Colorado
City: Internecolorado springs
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