John Nieves
Scammer who despeptive ways tried to take MY money


Thanks for I was able to figure out what this job posting really was; a rip off! So deseptive, I thought I only had to be careful about the ones that say, first pay to beable to access this type of job offer and than I'll pay you.

I recieved the exact email from the people that posted their compliants on here. I certaintly wont cash the money gram and than send it back to him. What does he think I'm stupid? I'll send it alright... Right over to police. I hope this Bast... Ed gets caught and gets fined big time for waisting everyones time with such stupidity.

Company: John Nieves
Country: USA
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John Nieves
Job posted on craiglist

Global Financial Services - Resource Management, Payment & Verifivation
Global Financial Services - Resource Management Payment & Verifivation Award Claim Final Notification, B% S%

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Consumer Report

John Nieves As others have reported, John Nieves "position" is a scam!