Liberty Discount Club
Fraud company


This company stole $34.96 from my checking account and has the nerve to claim I authorized this. I have never heard of them, nor did I authorize them to take money from my account. I am outraged! I contacted them from the bogus number printed on the check they presented to ny account. The rep claims account has been cancelled and that I will receive a refund... Which I don't believe. But, I will fix them they will be reported to the BBB.

Company: Liberty Discount Club
Country: USA
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Last chance cash advance-liberty discount club
Fraud liberty discount club stole money from my checking accout not authorized

Liberty Discount Club, Last Chance Cash Advance and Grocery Club Discount Service, UclipUsave
Last chance cash advance, grorcey club discount service, u clip u save liberty discount club took 34,19 from my checking acount also with a fake check with a number of 333856

Liberty Discount Club, Last Chance Cash Advance and Grocery Club Discount Service, UclipUsave
Liberty Discount Club Last Chance Cash Advance and Grocery Club Discount Service UclipUsave Fake Check Scam and Deducted Money from Account

Liberty Discount Club - Last Chance Cash Advance and Grocery Club Discount Service - UclipUsave
Liberty Discount Club - Last Chance Cash Advance - Grocery Club Discount Service - UclipUsave I applied for a loan online. (desperate) I did not take a loan from any one but my checking account was debited $34.19 under TELEBANC

Liberty Discount Club
I got the scamming People

Liberty Discount Club, Last Chance Cash Advance and Grocery Club Discount Service, UclipUsave
I did not authorize for this company to debit my account nor do I know anything about this company

Liberty Discount Club
Unauthorized debit

Liberty Discount Club - Last Chance Cash Advance and Grocery Club Discount Service - UclipUsave
Liberty discount club i applied for a payday loan and they enrolled me in the liberty discount club when i know i checked the box that i didnt want it

The Liberty Discount Club illegally took money out of my account in the amount of $29.91 without my authorization. I never heard of them or their website They forged my name and ss

Liberty Discount Club