Gina Dawn Marie Garcia
Horrible Mother, Scandalous


Gina Garcia is a horrible mother. She only wants her children when it is convenient for her, or she wants to try and get the attention of some man for a night.

She has two children. One of which lives with her and the other lives with someone else. She feels that smoking dope and getting smashed in front of her son every night is okay. She brings home a different man every night. Her child is left with whoever will watch him for the night. The other child is well taken care of and she is not allowed to see him other than when his care takers are around because of her activities.

We have called social services on her several times along with most of the people where she lives. Once when social services was called her and the baby's father were tipped off so they had plenty of time to make themselves look like the perfect little family. We do not know what else to do. The child deserves a better life where someone cares about him. What do we do?

Company: Gina Dawn Marie Garcia
Country: USA
State: Nevada
City: Wells
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Department Of Social Services
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