Summit Group Publications
Ripoff They took my $35 and gave me nothing. Covina


I am so upset i sent them $35 and then i got tired of not receiving any thing. Then i decided to see if they had cash the money order i sent. They sure did it was cashed OCT 6 so i figure that it won't be long.

I need this to help me through an operation i figured i since it from home i can do this. Now i lost the $35 and hope it was going to also be a way to get back home to my 8 month old son after the operation. So Im very very very very upset.

Company: Summit Group Publications
Country: USA
Address: California
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Summit Group Publications
Summit is a Rip off I send in $35 and two weeks later I received nothing not even a letter They made me feel that I would be making a lot of money just by

Summit group publications
Summit Group Publications ripoff consumer fraud ripoff West Ccovina

Summit Group Publications

Summit Group Publications
Consumer rip-off fraud

Summit Group Publications

Summit Group Publications
Summit Group Publicaations said it was guaranteed Nationwide

Summit Group Publications
Ripoff fraudulent ripoff business

Summit Group Publications

Summit Group Publications
Ripoff MISLEADING THEIFS Make you guarantees that they will not live up to SUMMIT GROUP PUBLICATIONS

Summit Group Publications
Misleading, fraudulent, ruthless, cunning, conniving, criminals