DCG Marketing, Belfast
Part of the Cobra Group Do not work for this scamming company or their sister company Topaz... Wasted months working for them only to be ripped off! Belfast


Hey all, I am writing this report to warn you off the scammers that are DCG marketing - run by a man called Dave Glass. I am not too sure really where to begin, but here goes... I had just moved up to Belfast and was stuck for work when I across an ad in the paper for a sales position, the ad itself was very vague but it sounded like an excellent opportunity and the money which 'could be made' sounded too good to be true. I rang and was told to come for an interview the following day, I wasnt asked to bring any proof of qualifications or a cv or anything, which at the time seemed a little strange but I was so eager for work I just shrugged it off. I went the next day and was interviewed by 2men... The 'lovely' dave glass himself and another man. They talked about the sales in the 'office' and how people were making so much money in the 'office' by direct sales to customers. I was asked to come in the next day for an observation day and because they had made the job sound so fantastic I eagerly agreed. The next day I came in wearing my office clothes (a skirt and a pair of 3inch heels included) to find that the observation day consisted of me putting on a filthy red bib and going out with another girl from the office around doors in the roughest areas of Belfast, areas I had only ever heard of. I had absolutely no clue as to what was going on, but soon realised that these direct sales involved pestering people at their houses and giving a speech about a heart felt charity and how every single penny will go to these starving children in Africa. When I went back Dave told me the job was mine if I wanted it and that the girl that had brought me out with her for observation was very impressed at my entusiasm. I figured I had no real choice but to take on the job, as I needed to get some sort of income coming in. I was then made sign a giant contract, which stupidly I didnt read, that was meant to basically say I was self employed. First few weeks in the office... Great! Yes, the hours were long (10am - 10pm working all over Ireland) but I didnt mind as I made a few close friends. I was a 'high roller' in the office and met my sales target every day. Got promoted in a short space of time. I felt on top of the world. But with all this came the disappointment that with each sale I made I only got a percentage of the money for the sale and the rest went into my 'bond' which I could access in 3months. Doing door to door didnt bother me much, I am a people person and I didnt get too much bad weather. One Friday I was working in a rougher bit of Belfast and got my bag stolen, I rang Dave crying my eyes out to tell him about it. I was more or less told to get on with my sales, I couldnt believe his inconsideration for one of his staff. Through my time at the 'office' dozens of people came and went, it was just the way things went. I had been working there for about 4months when my Mum took ill, seriously ill, so I knew I couldnt live in Belfast any longer. I went home to Enniskillen to see her, I rang Dave to tell him my situation and that I didnt think I would be returning... The response I got I cannot put on here cause it was some of the rudest words I have ever heard in my life!!! It was like he was angry at me for my mother being ill, I tried to reason with him where by he told me I wouldnt be getting my last 2weeks wages or my bond money and then hung up! I couldnt believe it, I was broke and the money I was owed I wasnt going to get, all because my mum was sick. Alot of my close friends in the office at the time couldnt believe dave had treated me this way, so they chose to leave also, the same happened to them. None of us got our bond money which was over 1000 and our wages. We had all been ripped off the money that was rightfully ours! So this is just a friendly warning, if you plan to go work for dave glass at dcg marketing or his wife pamela glass at topaz... dont! They are 2of the worst money scamming vermon i have ever met. They punished me for having an ill mother and all my friends. They owe 1000s of pounds to so many people and yet still they get off with it!!!

Company: DCG Marketing, Belfast
Country: USA
Address: 72 High St, Belfast
Phone: 02890331114
Site: co.uk
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Topaz promotions - DCG marketing
Pamela Magill Con men, you arent really self employed

DCG Marketing Belfast
Dave Glass DCG and Cobra Group, the land of the deluded, Belfast

Perpertual Marketing - Cobra
Cult, sham, rip off Belfast North Ireland

Dcg marketing, topaz, imperial
I think they have another called imperial TOPAZ SCAM SCAM SCAM DCG SCAM SCAM IMPERIAL SCAM SCAM SCAM

Cobra Plc, One Way Marketing And Keys Worldwide

Dave Glass President/CEO/Director Of Funding
PdIF, INC Intetnational center for immunization, inc gave Dave Glass the sum of $3800 on july 21st of 2006 to write a grant for our company

Image Imports D&W Imports
Image imports

Cobra / Appco
Very misleading and many many lies plymouth

SH/Dreamland marketing COBRA
Gary Sawyer Pyramid, i mean mlm Newcastle Upon Tyne

Maxwell Marketing Group
Ripoff 100% time waste They lie, lie & lie to get you started