WildBlue Communications
Lame customer for their wrong doing - wildblue internet


Earlier this year i ordered service from wildblue. They changed who the installer would be &where he would be comming from 4 times. That didn't concern me that much, i thought it a little odd. When the installer arrived he couldn'tconnect where i asked because he didn't have what he needed. He hooked up near the corner of the house, i couldn, t move my laptop out of a confined area. I paid him 50$ to hook up my router, i was in another room he brought my computer, it was online until he left. Even though he left his # he never called back. I had to make a full time job of trying to use wild blue. Finally i re installed my dial up connection, by then i was totally going to fail that semester. At last i reached someone in customer service that told me it was the router causing the problem, i told her how confined i was. She suggested that i buy @ very long cord, by that time i agreeed out of total exaustion. After thought of my treatment from customer service i wasn't going to pay. They sent a box for me to send the things back, i havn't had time until now. I really need @good internet service provider. Thank you soo much, patty farthing

Company: WildBlue Communications
Country: USA
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