Unigard legal services
Unigard also debited my account for $19.95, I finally got a number that I was able to speak to someone regarding my refund. They stated that it will take 14 days to recieve starting the day I put the Unigard is a scam


For a refund from Unigard legal services please call 1-877-890-1250 they stated it will take 14 days from the day that you put the request for the refund in. Stay away from the unlocked payday websites. If the pad lock is open anyone can access your account it is unsecure.

Company: Unigard legal services
Country: USA
State: Missouri
City: St Louis
Address: 10425 Trask Dr
Phone: 3146296497
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Unigard Legal Services
Stole my money, and overdrafted my account

Unigard Legal Services
Two unauthorized charges

Unigard unauthorized checking transactions

National Action Financial Services
I was hung up on and disrespected

Unigard legal services
Blatant Fraud! Sammed my checking acct for 19.95

Debited $19.95 from my bank account, unauthorized. This caused 2 checks of mine to bounce

Stole My Money

UNIGUARD legalsrvcs
Took money from my bank account without authorization

Extreme Acai Berry
Company Will not refund my money

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Ripoff, took my money, unauthorized California