Unemployment Grants
UnemploymentGrants.net is a SCAM


I investigated this website only to be led through endless surveys designed to find your weak areas and to SELL you a service. There are NO unemployment grants here. They make it sound like a federal program but it has nothing whatsoever to do with any federal grant system. They are preying on the unemployed like parasites. The end result of the endless surveys leads to the punchline: An offer for a FREE $250 grocery card... Which then leads to them asking for your VALID CELL PHONE NUMBER AND THE NAME OF YOUR PROVIDER!!! And if you provide them with that info, you are suddenly switched to a screen that is nothing but a RINGTONE SALES SCAM. If you click the wrong thing, you will find a charge of $19.99 added to your next cell phone bill, and you will be the befuddled recipient of not an 'unemployment grant', but a set of useless ringtones. These people are becoming more bold and cagey in this scam. I first found out about them when taking a 'harmless' free IQ test that was offered on PlentyOfFish.com There was an unauthorized charge on my bill from taking that test! I called my cell phone provider and they graciously removed the charge. They said they get many, many complaints about this. I am not sure if this grant scam is the same group of thieves or another group of thieves. I already reported the first group operating from the IQ test to complaint, but don't remember their names. Just Google 'ringtone scams' and do not respond to this grant thing if you are unemployed. How people like this cannot know their soon judgment is coming is beyond my comprehension!

Company: Unemployment Grants
Country: USA
Site: unemploymentgrants.net
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I'm not sure how my cell phone number got "slammed" into a 9.99 a month change for what I don't know, cell phone ringtones that I never asked for or used

Raven Media Grant Master Program
Grand Master Rip off Las Vegas Nevada

The Grant University
Need a grant, The Grant University grants no grants!

GrantFundingSearch Unauthorized funds

Federal Grant Programs And Services
Harry Pratt as agent and Catherine Freiburghaus as grant writter At the beginning of August I applied for several grants to finish my home. Received a phone call three days later stating I was qualified and after a few obsticles, the grant money was mine

Grant Finder
Unauthorized $99.00 from my credit card, after I purchased a DVD for $1.95

Put unauthorized charges on phone bill masking it as a 'free ringtone'

Grantdanger.com, Grant Dollars Now, New Grants Today
Grants you'll regrett internet

FRAUD: I am out $58.61 by the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT!

Emmediate-grant.com Unable to contact thru website Riverton Utah