Receivables Performance Management
Receivables Performance Management Scam Alert... Total frauds


I received a call on Sunday February 28 - 2010 from Receivables Performance Management looking for the previous owner of my house and I politely told them, he is deceased, the caller said he was sorry and hung up. On March 4 I received a message, this time on my answering machine by a Live telemarketer reading from a script (usually used by authorized Collection agencies) again, looking for the previous owner of my home. I picked up the phone and told this new caller that this man has been dead since the early 90's and I asked him how he got my private number, he quipt back with... Its from our dialer. I knew from the unprofessional manner of the caller that something was up. Also, calling for a dead person to collect money? Shameful. I announced to the caller... This is a scam... You are scamming... You are scammers, and he hung up. Hopefully they will not call my home again. The creation of 3rd party debt collectors has caused an enormous amount of fact, in speaking with a few attorneys, even they admitted they will not correspond with 3rd party collection agencies in the event you find yourself in personal financial trouble. It is my personal opinion that ALL 3rd Party collection agencies be shut
down. This will alleviate the multiple tax write offs from any initial debt, that are submitted to the tax department every year. These 3rd party companies sell bad debts to each other - over and over - and continue to collect tax breaks on the same initial debt. If I am not mistaken, then this could be one of the reasons our country is in financial disarray. All those write offs submitted for the same debt over and over cannot be good. Although I am just speaking as a common sense person. I am no expert. Direct contact seems safer in my opinion and will also stop these thieves from invading your life. No 3rd parties, no problems. 3rd Party collection agencies was a very bad idea.

Company: Receivables Performance Management
Country: USA
State: Washington
City: Bothell
Address: 1930 220th St S. E
Phone: 2662127408
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