Relevant Ads
Relevant ads Cheators and liars


Local Splash, aka relevant ads is a sleazy company that screws customers out of their hard earned money, promising to optimize their web site with SEO. Most of the time they do little and charge 300 bucks up front. And to top it off they treat their employees like slaves, standing over them while they are trained to lie on the phone and listening to every call so they can harrass them about not making an instant sale from a slurry of white pages cold called companies. The owner Rami or something like that is an egyptian or arabic guy and thinks people are like cattle and he can always fire them and get a new slave the next day so they can be cheated out of any salesthey might have set up. They don't even put hours on the checks since most people are forced to work overtime and never paid for it.
Avoid this lying vulture pit at all costs.

Company: Relevant Ads
Country: USA
State: California
City: Fountain Valley
Address: 17870 Newhope st
Phone: 9497351205
  <     >  


John Casey
Continued to steal money from my personal bank account for services NOT rendered!

Relevant Ads
ILocal SEM, Reliable Listing, Your Local Merchant Local SEO/SEM Internet

Alex Becker
Highly Relevant SEO, Social Marketing, DONE, Highly Revelant, Ben Adams, Rex Freiberge

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