Dazzle Bright
Idol Bright, Smile Bright, WorldFit and numerous others. Financial predato


This is a blatant example of the most despicable online maggots that are not concerned about destroying internet commerce and leeching off the innocent. It is amazing to me that reputable online vendors do not band together to hit these immoral cretins with every possible punishment allowed by law. It is a sad reflection on society that we now allow intolerable horrors to go on unchecked that would make Hitler shudder with disgust. I know that I will never again use my credit card for online purchases and if I were a rich person, I would spend most of my fortune to eliminate these ghastly terrorists from our planet.

Company: Dazzle Bright
Country: USA
Address: Missouri
Phone: 8775947850
Site: britesmilewhitening.com
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MAC Bright
D. Bright Borrowed thousands and never repaid

Dazzle Bright
Total rip-off

Smile Brite/Dazzle White
Money taken out of my acct. Without permission!

Dazzle smile
Bright Smile, Bright White Dazzle Smile "free samples" aren't free, so watch your credit card and answer the phone when your credit cards' fraud department calls. It's a rip-off!

Bright Burn
Consumer Report

Dazzle White and Smile Bright
Unauthorized Charges after trila

OnV/Insidertips | Dazzle White | Dazzle Smile | Healthmember all are scams to get your money

BRIGHT SMILE Ripoff Non-authorized charges

Bright Smile Dental Center
Fraudulent billing consumer fraud ripoff

Ever Bright Smile
Do not order trial teeth whitener from ever bright smile!