Suckered me in and stole my money in the amount of $99.95


I am both very embarrassed and furious that I put myself in a position to allow this company to rip-me-off, especially at a time when I am unemployed. I believe that I became aware of this company while or before completing a survey. The company mentioned giving various gifts (my choice) for the cost of a shipping & handling fee in the amount of $4.95. I picked the Disaster Aid Kit thinking that it might come in handy one day. I received the kit days later and was disappointed that it was so cheaply made because it was advertised as having a much higher value, but relieved that I had only lost $4.95 (so I thought at the time). Well, today when I got my mail and looked over my credit card statement, I noticed that not only had this company taken a $4.95 shipping & handling fee, but the company had helped itself to an additional $99.95.
I immediately called the company and was told by a woman that I had not read the terms of some agreement, which stated that if the kit were not returned in ten (10) days, my credit card would be charged. I do not recall seeing an agreement and feel that the $99.95 was stolen from me. The woman also told me that I would receive an email explaining how to return the kit and get a refund. The email gave no such information. Here is a copy of that email:
Dear Paul H.,

This email confirms that you have been canceled from the membership program as of 3/1.

You will not receive any further charges from.

Thank you for using our product!

Customer Support Staff

WHAT "MEMBERSHIP PROGRAM?" WHAT "FURTHER CHARGES?" It seems like it may have been the intention of this company to continue stealing additional monies from my credit card, had I not noticed it. How many other people have they ripped-off? The people running that company need to be stopped, prosecuted and made to repay the monies they have stolen.

Company: DisasterAidKit.com
Country: USA
State: California
Phone: 8772312803
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They advertise a disaster kit for $1 handling.in 10 days they will charge you $99.95. Kit is inferior-can be bought in $1 store. No contact is available for returns either by phone or internet

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