IFreelance.com Freelance Job website


If you haven't already had experience with this website, you are very fortunate.

Advertised as a site for feelancers of all sorts (in my case, writers), to find quality buyers for varied services, the site used to be of a decent quality, with buyers posting projects worth looking at.

Over the past year, there has been an increase of insultingly low paying projects (500 words of original content on specific buyer-directed topics for $1). It is worth noting that freelancers on this site must pay to use the service, while these "buyers" can post whatever they want, as often as they want, for free.

When freelancers would post concerns over such ridiculously low pay for such high demanding projects, iFreelance.com management essentially tells them to "shut up" and either bans further postings on the project (while leaving the project open for bidding) or shuts down the thread completely.

They do not support their paying clients and help them by screening potential projects, and do not provide them with any recourse should such a low project be posted. As of late, these types of projects are the ones being posted to paying freelance job searchers.

Company: IFreelance.com
Country: USA
Address: 909 N. Sepulveda Blvd., 11th Floor, El Segundo, CA
Site: ifreelance.com
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AB Consultants, Andie Ballanger
Never paid for work completed

Scam Artist

Onyuk.com: don't trust these guys! Unethical bunch of crooks

Is A Scam. Very Big Scam... Scam of gofreelance... No money refund... No projects

Ralph Basinger
False Identity. Pretending to be a Publisher. Scamming Freelance Writers

SmartData Enterprises
Scam company - Fraud Noida

Freelance Home Writters
Ifreelance repeat billing in one day

Zaptech Solutions
Is a FRAUDULENT company!

Discovery Towers Multimedia Group
(Richard Samples) Stay away from Discovery Towers Multimedia Group or its owner Richard Samples AKA Rich The Web Guy advertised on iFreelance

Professional Assignment Help