Gold Square Collection
Ryan Mires and Garrett Hammond ripoff and dirty sales techniques


I have been waiting over two years for a refund. They screamed at meand hung up on me. The story is too long to get into but please, pleasewhatever you do, do not buy one thing from these CROOKS. The cost ofsending items back twice, numerous phone calls, being called a liar isjust not worth it.

My order was in Nov of I spent a totalof $782.05 US converted to Australian dollars was $1,033.92. I returnedall the items, twice except $36.00 earrings, (my partner gave them fora Christmas present while I was overseas or they would of went backtoo) I have been refunded a partial amount of $360.75 or $420.36Australian. As you can see these $36 earrings have cost me over $600.00.

Ididn't even go to get these items appraised. I just compared thedescription that was on the auction site and the ACA certification cardthat came with the items. There was a big difference in quality.
Don't throw your money away with them!

Company: Gold Square Collection
Country: USA
Phone: 8883771400
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Hot Jewelry Auction, Paramount: HSJOA
JUNK Jewelry, GARBAGE, Not as described in Auction "BEWARE!" WILL NOT GET YOUR MONEY BACK AFTER YOU RETURN ITEMS! EBAY will not help you!

Ethan Jewelry
I purchased a pair of earrings from this company, the quality of the earrings were horrible. I returned the earrings and they have not refunded my money to my account and it's been over a month

Bargain Room
Consumer Report

Worldwide Shopping Network
Scam, gimmick, make you believe you are getting something for nothing!
Gold stamped 10k/14k All gold plated Fake Fake All of it Fake

Diamonds International
Ripped Off. Purchased earrings appraised at 1/3 of value they represented. Cozumel

Diamond Oro Jewelry
This store sold me a 10k pair of gold earrings and its not real gold

Glam Shop Online
It's a online boutique store that just came out since this June

EMH GROUP, LLC Auction Riot E-deal Auctions
EMH GROUP, LLC Auction Riot E-deal Auctions ripoff, dishonest, did not refund money or exchange damaged item, does not adhere to thier return/refund policy does not awnser e-mails sent to customer service
Consumer Report