World Savings Bank - Fsb
Wachovia bank fraudulent home forclosure orlando florida fradulent removal of funds from escrow acount


Dear sir or madame world savings ie wachovia bank have committed a act of fraud they claimed iwas 4 payment in arears when iwas in fact $900.00 in credit ihad been over paying on my monthly payments for 9 months afew months before they emptyed my escrow acount by sending 2 cheques to my property insurance company my insurance had been paid months earleir 1for $1500 and the other$2600 and then my mortgage payments doubled each month because the fraudulently emptied my escrow acount i notified the cotroler of currancy who fobbed me of to the office of thrift supervision whom messed me about for 6 months and then fobbed me off

I have been in touch with wachovias atterney whom lied on oath that he had served court papers when he hadnt went back to court and retracted the serving of papers ihave filed a defence and it has been put on hold ihave full documetation of all payments recived and banked by world savings who are fraudulent and there atterney the same they have ruind my life and my familys and they are going to pay theres no room in this world for fradulent BANKS iwill fight till the end yours lawrence orlando florida usa

Company: World Savings Bank - Fsb
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: San antonio
Address: wiseman blvd
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