CCDN Consumer Credit Defense Network
CCDN - Consumer Credit Defense Network - Credit Collections Defense Network, Charged me $7500 for legal representation to fix my credit upfront in 2007 and has never represented me with any creditor. Brick NJ and Chicago IL


A marketer (who will remain nameless because he ended all ties with this company) called us offering debt relief through a company called CCDN. He was offering on behalf of CCDN a package of services to challenge all of our debts, erase those debts, and sue each creditor for damages based on the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act. After a lot of Q&A, the marketer told us that compared to the cost of attorney fees these days, paying CCDN for legal representation was a much more economical decision. He convinced us in 2007 to enroll into CCDN's program. The marketer emailed us all of the enrollment documents, which were extensive. We signed only the agreement for services. That contained a disclosure that explained we had a 3 day rescind option once the enrollment documents were submitted. We got distracted with life in general having a lot of business and family matters to take care of during that period of time, AND there were so many papers we realized it would be a full time job just to complete them. So we didn't get around to submitting the enrollment docs as we were supposed to. Actually, several months passed before we finally called the company to ask a question about one of the forms we were trying to fill out. We were discouraged by the paperwork load and decided to ask for a refund so that we could find an easier company to work with. It was at that point, we discovered the phone number listed on our enrollment paperwork was disconnected. We contacted the marketer who explained he was no longer affiliated with the CCDN network, but as a courtesy he would get in touch with them by email to request our refund since no services had transpired and no enrollment had been processed. He also wanted to help us sort out what happened with their phone number and instruct them to call us. He did as he said he would, and actually emailed us the company's new phone number along with a copy of an email chat between he and one of CCDN's managers. We remember his name as Tim or Tom. When presented with the request for our refund, that manager refused and instead told the former marketer to inform us that no refund was available but an extension of time for the next full year would be left open for us to still enroll. We went with it. That was near the end of 2007.

CCDN had relocated from New York to New Jersey in the short time since we had agreed to enroll into their program, which was why their phone # no longer worked. We used the New Jersey number to call and did reach CCDN. The person who answered was friendly and assured us that the enrollment documents had been revised and the ones we had would no longer work. She emailed us the revisions. It took several more months for us to get all of the creditors' information they wanted. We relocated and while endring a difficult pregnancy, we put off the enrollment yet again. That was 2008. It was finally towards the end of 2008 (the year extended to us) that we were able to mail all of the enrollment docs to the network.By May of we had heard nothing from CCDN and called them. Sharon was our latest customer support rep. She confirmed receiving our paperwork, confirmed it was processed, then told us that we had to complete additional forms and send them to each of our creditors - both original and third party. When asked why CCDN wasn't doing that for us, she explained that CCDN has no authority to speak on our behalf. We paid a huge amount of money for legal representation, signed and notarized probably 17 Power of Attorney forms so that CCDN could have full authority speak to speak to our creditors on our behalf. Now, this person was telling us that we had more to do just to enroll. We then requested a copy of the list we submitted that had all of our creditors' contact info on it so that we could use that information. She claimed CCDN shredded all of our enrollment papers after they were processed for our protection. Well, if they don't have a copy to provide us and to work with on our behalf, then who does?

It gets worse. We then demanded that CCDN provide us with a copy of all records they were working with so that we could be assured of their accuracy. Once that happened, Sharon passed our case onto someone else named Linda who sent us an email with a Microsoft Word attachment that contained what looked like it was supposed to be a policy explaining why our demands could not be met because CCDN does not get involved with communications between consumer and creditor; nor do they offer legal representation of any kind. That was it! We did some research and discovered that we should have researched New York, it is illegal for a company to charge upfront fees for any debt related financial support service. Good to know. Now, while typing this complaint, we visited the CCDN website to find their address to include here, and learned they have moved again. Now, they are in Chicago, Illinois with a support based office still in New Jersey (but a different part of NJ than when they relocated before). We intend to pursue a claim in the Attorney General's offices of both New York and New Jersey.ccDN Network is indeed a Ripoff and the fact is they have never provided us a single service but have kept our $7500; even refusing to refund that money when they were given the opportunity. It is now and stealing that much money from a consumer is a felony in every state. Steer clear of this company.

Company: CCDN Consumer Credit Defense Network
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
Address: 321 Mantoloking Road
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