12 Simple Rules - Elena Solomon
Dont get fooled by the Money Back Guarantee promise


Money Back Guarantee? Think again!

Youll never get your money back! Not only did I not get my refund, Elena Solomon did not even bother to respond to any of my messages!

Will you want the refund? Absolutely. There is no doubt in my mind. How do I know? I READ THE BOOK!

Here is what youll get for $49.95: about 65 pages of gibberish. Most of it feels like the author googled the word attraction and stuffed everything she could find into her book.

This is definitely not a how-to manual, it is more like a listing of qualities that attractive people possess. Again, this information is available all over the net for FREE. For $49.95, you can get 2 or ever 3 solid 200 page publications in your local bookstore.

I am very disappointed by the book and by the false Money Back Guarantee promise.

Company: 12 Simple Rules - Elena Solomon
Country: Australia
City: Queensland
Address: Suite 325/51, Robina Town Centre
Phone: 61755692755
Site: 12simplerules.com
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Elena Petrova
Ills Against Others, womenrussia.com, elenasmodels.com, Queensland

Elena Petrova/Solomon (www.womenrussia.com)
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12 Simple Rules - Elena Solomon
Promised double-your-money-back guarantee and refused to deliver, ripoff

Successful Strategies
Rip-off made a guarantee that was not upheld false promises

Elena Solomon
Racist, Bigot, Lia

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Janiece V. Smith, Owner Of ExpressProfitsOnline No refund sent. 100% moneyback guarantee worthless. No response RIPOFF

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