Slap Chop
SLAP CHOP slap chop charged me 81 dollars


I ordered the regular slap chop and got an $81 dollar bill

Company: Slap Chop
Country: USA
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Slap Chop
Slap Chop customer review

Slap Chop
Slap Chop slap chop did not perform anything like the TV version and physicaly different than the one being used on TV

Slap Chop
Slap Chop is useless - Slap Chop

Slap Chop
Slap Chop slap chop

Slap Chop
Slap Chop Choker - Slap Chop

Slap Chop
Shake-N-Chop. Vs. Slap Chop - Shake-N-Chop

Slap Chop
Crap Chop

Slap Chop
Piece of junk and fraudulent advertising - Slap Chop

Slap Chop
Charge 4 times the prize they said

Slap Chop
Slap Chop... Should be called: slap chop in the face