JCMH Marketing - Jennifer Coburn
JC Consulting needs a little less conversation, a little more action


Might as well go throw your wad of cash into a busy highway.
You'll likely get better results. At least your money may get in the hands of someone in need.
In Jennifer's case, all you'll get in return are excuses. Don't expect much else.
I even called her 'references' before starting up. Her references were very convincing. One in SF and I don't remember where the other one was.
Unfortunately I didn't find this site or these posts until a month after I threw my money away.

I even tried to be nice at first. She 'contracted' to guarantee 12-15 appointments.
After a disappointing run (no productivity) I decided to just have her only qualify leads by phone and I would try to set the appointment myself.
Still nothing. After constant 'reminders' (and many excuses by Jennifer), she finally coughed up 2 LEADS! I checked them out.
1 had NO contact name to call. Just a general email address.
The other at least had a name. I called them. They did not even fit our profile.

She says she has 15 years experience? HA. I have 22 years in my industry.
I could tell there was NO effort to produce these so called leads. They were just a pitiful attempt to buy more time and keep things quiet. BEWARE

Apparently the pic I have posted is her from a site called fastpitchnetworking.com

Company: JCMH Marketing - Jennifer Coburn
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Homestead
Phone: 3052306816
Site: jenniferacoburn.net
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Jennifer Coburn / JCMH Marketing
JCMH Marketing will take your money, promise you leads and then disappear. We received NOTHING in return for our $480 and were unable to get a refund. Jennifer Coburn is a flake and a scam artist

Jennifer Coburn
JCMH MARKETING, JC CONSULTING I was not provided with the service I paid for and was not refunded nor were any of my numerous attempts to contact Jennifer successfuly

JCMH Marketing - Jennifer Coburn
Telemarking Fraud

Jennifer Coburn
JCMH Marketing Do not do business with Jennifer Coburn, she is a total scam

Jennifer Coburn
Jcmh jennifer coburn is dishonest and will take your money. Homestead

TSL - Telemarketing Sales Lead
TSL leads, telemarketing sales leads, TSL is a complete Scam, DO NOT USE!

East Coast Telemarketing & Jennifer Coburn

Jennifer A. Coburn
JC Consulting & Marketing Solutions Rip off Artist - Guilty of Mail Fraud

Jennifer Coburn / JC Consulting Marketing
File complaint with fbi!

Telemarketing 21, www.medicareadvantageleads.com, www.medicaresupplementleads.com
Fraudulant appointment setting! No response from company!