AZ Vacation Residences Failure to Disclose Fees


I was looking for a vacation rental online and ran across a last minute deal advertised for $90 per night on VRBO. I sent an email regarding the property and got a fast response that is was rented. A few minutes later I got a second email saying another property was available for the same price.

Since I am an astute shopper, I sent an email asking for a total price "inclusive of all fees." To my surprise, I got a phone cal (it was nearly 10 pm), from Bruce who assured me that the total price was $400. I requested and received an email confirming the total price of $400 along with a link where I could guarantee the reservation for $30. I paid via pay pal.

The next morning I received emails thanking me for my business and then requesting that I sign a "lease" for my three day rental asap and pay a $250 security deposit that was not mentioned - I repeat NOT MENTIONED, in any of the email correspondence prior to my paying the $30 fee.

I was alarmed and sent an email at once. Bruce Stuart replied that all properties has similar requirements and failed to answer my request for a refund of the $30 fee. Despite the telephone calls and the follow-up email, which I considered due diligence, I was taken for $30 dollars. I imagine that the money for this scam could be very profitable. I am proceeding with contacting the BBB and VRBO and will also contact the Arizona attorney general.

Company: 5bsinvestments.com
Country: USA
Phone: 2536783348
Site: azvacationresidences.com
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Consumer Report

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