I think they are affiliated with northam loans in Phoeniz and also consolidated loans and global wealth direct. They scammed me out of $8500.00


I recently purchased an advertising campaign from a company called exclusiveoptionsonline.com. Within a couple of days, I realized that something wasn't right and called and e-mailed them that I wanted my money back because I couldn't afford to lose the $8500.00 fee for advertising for a year they were offering. I usually am not stupid in this area, but my guard was down and the salesman was good. I thouht what they were promoting sounded good. Afterwards&I knew it was too good to be true. I have been asking for my money back for 6 weeks. I get a response that it takes longer to make money than six weeks. I have made nothing. The web page for their sight initially was aboutadvertising. The web page has changed in the last week to the same web page or similar to the web page that they gave me. If you pull up exclusiveoptionsonline.com and go to the bottom of the page where it says full disclaimer, it has another http: sight that associates northam loans with exclusive options. I called them on that one too. I was told they are not associated with anyone else. Northam loans has been involved with many scams from what I found out on the internet. It looks like to me that exclusive options, northam and consolidated are operating as maybe one. I have spoken with a man named Vincent that
says he is the owner and guarantees me they are for real.in my heart&I know they are just scamming people out of money. I would like to get my money back. I can not afford to lose money and am financially strapped now and they know this. These people knew that and stated that they have other clients that are in similar situations. My question is how can they do this to people that are already at theirwits end. I guess that is what they prey on. Can you check this company out and get back with me. If there is anything that you can do to retrieve any and all money&I would certainly appreciate it. I don't want them to take advantage of other people. Thank you in advance for looking into this company.By the way, I did not call them orsolicit them&they called me.

Exclusiveoptionsonline.com is the web address

Customerservice@exclusiveoptionsonline.com is their e-mail

I have 3 phone numbers for them 877-257-5980 877-335-7898
The 602-992-0181 number is for a John Hausner that is with Global Wealth. If I would have known they were with Northam loans, I would not have invested. It looks like to me they have changed their name to rip more people off. Northam loans shows up on many usacomplaints.com and on a search. Exclusiveoptionsonline.com does not show up yet.

Company: Exclusiveoptionsonline.com
Country: USA
State: Arizona
Address: 3240 E Union Hills Dr
Phone: 8772575980
Site: exclusiveoptionsonline.com
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Northam Loans
Northam Loans scammed us out of $6500.00 plus

NorthAm Loans
Fraud and cheating

NORTHAM LOANS-North (American Loan Loan Network)
NORTHAM LOANS (North American Loan Network) Northam Loans unscrupleous marketing theives suckered me too

NorthAm Loans
No refund policy outrageous charge to my credit card not informed of anything being set up in any way took money and ran

NorthAM Loans
NorthAM SCAM Internet

Northam Loans, North American Loan Network, NAL
Northam Loans Highly Dishonest - -Must Read If You Are Considering Doing Business or Are Currently Doing Business With Them

NorthAm Loans - Marketing Network
No Good Scoundrals

NorthAm Loans
Contacted me via telephone after I replied to an e-mail from their company. I subsequently gave them a substantial amount of money to set up web site and possibility to earn $

Northam Loans - North American Loan Network
Northam Loans - North American Loans Network Work at Home Scams! Suckered fraudulent billing slick salesmen taken advantage of dupped scammed

Northam Loans - North American Loan Network
Liars, Scammers, and Very Desperate in