The question at hand has not been addressed. Very clever threatening to prosecute people that voice their opinions in Dubai, thats just traits of this region and you guys play into it very well. Bayt


The question at hand has not been addressed. Very clever threatening to prosecute people that voice their opinions in Dubai, thats just traits of this region and you guys play into it very well.

Bayt and its clans are not going to return back my money by posting a lousy come-back to my complaints. I am short of $250 thats almost a 1000 AED. Unlike you, I can give you my name, and its Anand Malhotra and I have paid you for your service 4 months ago. I want Bayt and its owners to be responsible of its illegal scam charge that they procure to get job seekers hired.

I do not care if Rabea Ataya has received his Knighthood. He is a FRAUD and that doesn't change for me only because he charges poor job seekers $250 for a CV that is not justified in content nor is it justified in layout. Only charge if you can honor your claims, you clearly have not, in my case rather or perhaps many more who do not know how to voice their opinions online. I bet you guys rather deal with jobs seekers that fax in their CV's or call you for an appointment.

My order number is 5543325.22 thats all you need to know in order to track my payment made on November 24th. The position that I have applied for was for an Accountant Analyst.

If you issue me a refund, I will reduce or quit the frequency of my postings as a sign of good faith from other sites. I will also give you another week or so for you to decide what steps you must taken for me to receive this payment.

Looking forward to your legally coated clever bullshit response that is baseless of material facts. Please do peruse me for prosecution but do return my money back as thats all I need for now.

I guarantee you that no Indian would ever register on your website if I do not get my money back.

I have gotten every crafty response from you guys up until now for reasons my money cannot be refunded. I was told that your CV services were availed and that there was no money back guarantee. So what about the job guarantee? I was under the assumption that I had a job lined up and all I had to do was get my CV created by Bayt.

I have yet to see what response you guys are capable of coming up with this time.

This frustration made possible only by Bayt and only in Dubai where company's like these get away only because money taken from job seekers like me are probably stashed away into the local partners bank account.

Until next time.

Country: USA
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Rabea Ataya from is a fraud
Cv scam of Dubai Scam / Fraud, Internet
CV scam
Bayt is a scam. Do not register with
Fake service, membership waste of money
Rip off
Bayt is a waste of time for both applicants and job posters
Scam Email from Dubai

Correctional Billing Services
Scam and cheating