United Online Collections Division, NetZero
Fraudulent company, false bills


I recieved a bill in the mail for United Online Collections Division saying that I owed $13.90 for a NetZero account I had. The letter said, "Please pay in full to this office by (date) to stop all collection activity". It also had a large section for your credit card information.

The problem is, I sent them a check to pay off the account. However, about 6 months later they send me another bill with the same amout owed. I read online about the company at this point, and I realized what it was: their claims are false and they are only trying to obtain your credit card number to rip you off.

Company: United Online Collections Division, NetZero
Country: USA
State: California
City: Woodland Hills
Address: P.O. Box 5006-BD
Phone: 18662101700
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United Online Collections Division
United Online Collections Division Sent fraudulent collection notices for alleged non payment of a alleged NetZero account

United Online Collections Division
Trying to scare people into paying false bills to keep your credit clean

United Online Collections Division
Fake Collection Letter for NetZero! Don't Give Them Your Credit Card #!

United Online Collections Division
Collection Fraud-Netzero

United Online Collections Division
Collecting for an account when we were never customers

NETZERO / United Online Collections Div
Liar, thief, cheat, misinform, please don't trust NetZero

United Online Collections Division
Consumer Report

United Online Collections Division
Netzero, a United online company attempting to collect on a bill of $29.90 foir netzero service. I have never used them and have never needed such a service

United Online Collections-NetZero
Received Fraudulent collection letter from United Online Collections Division-Affiliated with NetZero

United Online Collections Division, NetZero
United Online Did not cancel account when requested, offered refund when called, send to collections