Intelligent Perimeter Systems
IPS Intelligent Perimiter Systems are nothing but con-artist who will come in to your company with great ideas and alot of promises with no intent to pay for the services rendered


Back in May 09 Intelligent Perimeter Systems came to AGI to complete a project for their K-12 Bollard Units. The project was quoted on 5-1-09. Once AGI Engineering Department completed the drawings and approved by IPS the project went into production on 5-12-09 and was completed on 5-16-09. IPS arrived on 5-17-09 to pick up the K-12 unit to display at a show the following week. AGI billed IPS on 5-20-09.

AGI contacted IPS starting at the end of June asking about payment for the K-12 unit or have the unit returned until payment is made in full. As it stands at this time the unit is somewhere in Michigan. Every time IPS was contacted there was always a new excuse on why payment has not been made, or they have a large project coming up and will pay then. Now it has been 8 months since job completion and not 1 cent has been paid to AGI. I went as far to notify IPS and offered to set up payment arrangements. At this time AGI is requesting payment in the amount of $11,000.

I would highly recommend that any vendor that is looking to do business with Intelligent Perimeter Systems to be very aware of their attentions and request payment in full before handing over your product.

Company: Intelligent Perimeter Systems
Country: USA
State: Ohio
City: Dublin
Address: 5131 Post Rd, Suite 300
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