is nothing but a bunch of SCAM ARTISTS. They ripped me off for over 1000 dollars!


Oh boy where shall I begin? Recently some things came up and I needed money to pay rent. I really didn't want to sell my WoW account because I have put so much time into building up my 5 level 80's. I have played this game since 2004 and have countless hours poured into the game. But the only way I could get the money I needed to pay rent by the time it needed to be paid was to sell my WoW account. So UNFORTUNATELY I made one of the biggest mistakes of my life.

I did some searching online and found The offered me 1200 US Dollars for my whole account with 5 level 80's and over 80'000 gold total on the account. All of my 80's had their epic flying mounts. 2 of them had VERY rare mounts and other very rare items including a legendary weapon. Basically for the past 6 years of my life all I have done is built up my 5 characters and work. I come home from work... Play WoW for about 8 hours a day and then go to sleep. Wake up the next day and repeat if that gives some kind of indication of how much time I have put into this game. So anyway Gamepal offered me 1200 US Dollars for my account which honestly wasn't enough for me I was expecting to get at least 1000 per character. But I needed to pay rent or I was going to lose my place so I had no other choice! offered more than their competition. So I fill out the form and do everything that I needed to do to get paid.

3 weeks passed and I still had not received a payment. I emailed them everyday asking why it was taking so long. It said on their website it would take no longer than 72 hours. I told them that I needed to hurry up and get paid because rent was due. I was relying on these scam artists to keep from being evicted. So I sent them 1 final email and told them that I'd give them 2 more days to pay me and if they didn't then I was going to change the information on the account and the deal was off. It had been almost 4 weeks and I had not received any response from them at all as to why I had not been paid yet. So on the 2nd day I was at work thinking to myself okay as soon as I get home I'm going to change my information. They're obviously not going to pay. So I get home and try to login on my account and the password had been changed. I was like thank god they finally paid! So I log onto Paypal just to confirm they paid but there was no payment sent! At this point I was freaking out. I told myself well maybe it will take them a little bit to send the payment. They're probably working on it now.

So I'm sitting there at my computer checking Paypal every 5 minutes awaiting payment. I waited all night then just went to bed I thought for sure that payment would be in there by the next morning. So I wake up the next morning and sure enough the fu*ing payment had STILL not been sent! So I called into work that day because I was going to get this straightened out. No way in hell was I going to just let them take over my account for free! I was skeptical when I sold my account I had a feeling that something like this was going to happen! So I'm sitting around waiting until 11am so I can call Blizzard and get my account back. While I'm sitting around waiting I do some browsing online to see what other people have to say about I read through every single report on this website about how has been ripping everyone off. I'm thinking to myself god I'm such an idiot why didnt I do this BEFORE I sold my account. So finally it's 11am and I call Blizzard up and wait on hold for like an hour and a half because they're experiencing "high call volume." I finally get ahold of someone and tell them that my account had been hijacked. He reset my password and emailed it to my account. All is good. So I log into my account and the first thing I see is my main character NAKED! I'm like WTF?! So I browse through my list of characters and every single one of them are NAKED!

So I log in on my main character and the first thing I do is open up my bags. The first thing I notice is A. My bags are empty and B. I have 36 silver when I should have 30k gold. I'm thinking to myself OMG these guys have just scammed the fuc* out of me. So I check all of my other characters and sure enough they had been cleaned out as well. I had over 80,000 gold all together between all of my characters and now I have nothing. This guy had deleted all my gear or sold it to the vendor would be my guess. I'm sure they had sent all the gold to one of their characters that distributes the gold for when people buy currency off of their site. I don't think I had ever been this pissed off in my life. So I open up a ticket and report that someone had hijacked my account and deleted everything. I emailed them a detailed list of what all I was missing. It took Blizzard about 2 weeks and I got everything back. Thank god! That's the good thing about Blizzard is they will work with you if something like this happens to you.

I ended up getting evicted. I'm now living with my parents because screwed me. All of their promises of 100% guaranteed satisfaction and your order will be processed within 72 hours is all complete and utter BULLSH*T. Do NOT under any circumstance do business with these guys. It will only lead to disappointment. These guys are nothing but a bunch of low down sleezy SCAM artists! I've read all the reports on this website and I don't understand how these guys haven't been shut down yet?! How can they continue to rip people off and still be in business?! Please someone do something about this! Don't allow innocent people to be fooled NO MORE! Their service is horrible. Their accounts Live Chat no longer works. It tells you to email them which no one will respond to. Nothing but automated computer responses. The thing is I'm sure they read that last email that I sent them that said I'd give them 2 more days to pay me. I know for a fact they read that and decided that they needed to act fast with cleaning out my account! And that they did! Seriously guys do NOT trust these scammers! They have multiple websites such as and several other! These guys are NOT to be trusted. Let my experience with them be a lesson to all who plan to do future business with and their other sites. Once again... Someone please do something about these guys... It's just not right!

Country: USA
State: North Carolina
City: Raleigh
Address: 3209 Gresham Lake Rd # 146
  <     >  


Bought and rip off account purchase
Money taken out of my acc. Unauthorized!

Ripped me off with powerleveling service Ripoff Raleigh

GameWar - GamePal And More
Stay away from gamepal FRAUDS STEAL BACK ACCOUNTS South Carolina

Gametag, Gamewar After I bought the character all was fine, until one day while playing I got disconnected and found out my password had been changed-1 month later no account still. (only me and gamepal had the access - - -
Rip off scam artists
Gamepal scam using a collection agency

GamePal is A complete rip off Company Internet