Idearc Media -
Superpages imaginary leads, imaginary customer service, horrible sales practice


This Whole think started in August when a Mr. Muhammad contacted me offering me his "clients" for service. I thought this was a GREAT deal he promised this many people would call, this is how much I would pay, and if I didn't want the service anymore just don't pay or ask for it to be canceled. He then directed me to another lady who asked yes or no questions. I complied. He then said thank you for your service, and remember you only pay for calls you may even get more calls some months. YEAH RIGHT!!! I then called him back a month later because there was word I may have been deploying so i gave a friend the business for that small period. He said he will cancel the arrangement for me, I said thank you and was happy. I got a letter a day or two later and called him yet again. He said I don't know why your being charged, promising the first month was "supposed to be free". I figured, OK maybe he didn't lie to me. I faxed him the bill so he could "take care of it next month rolls around I get another bill, I then call him 10 times he never picked up so I left a voice mail asking for him to return the call. He never called me back. Each month after they send me more letters. So I called them and told them I canceled through Mr. Muhammad and they said they will look into it. Go figure, I received another bill the next month with a bunch of late fees. I ignored them now because I was aggravated and didn't want to deal with it. I received a call at month 8 asking why I haven't paid, I explained to her as well why I never paid and asked her to talk to the salesmen he said he would cancel it months ago. Then she tells me she will "look into it" Now They have sent me another bill and say I owe them $1,008.29 Which I will not pay and they have sent this to a debt collector and have reported it to the credit bureau. I want to raise a law suite for this because the debt collectors keep calling, they ruined my credit, and for wasting my time relying on them for advertising and getting customers when I could of found a legit company with integrity and honesty.

Superpages is a scam!!!

Thank You For Your Time, And I Hope This Helps You Save Your Money.

Company: Idearc Media -
Country: USA
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Idearc Media
Superpages 3rd Party Sales Rep I was duped by Idearc Media into a 1-yr contract Internet

Idearc Media /
Verizon super pages idearc and verizon are liars & thieves Dont pay!

Idearc Media Corp
Credit Card Billing Scam Idearc Media Corp and Superpages have teamed up to hold your credit card hostage and charge you every month with no way to stop them

Idearc Media Super Pages
Just wants your money, and does NOT care about customer complaints or problems

Idearc Media Corporation Or
Verison Or Continued My Contract and Billing After Repeated Calls to Cancel My Services

Idearc Media -
Verizon Superpages Advised they Canceled Servie then billed us for it 3 months later using collection agency

Superpages, Idearc Media
Superpages, Idearc MediaSuperpages, Idearc Media When is a deal not a deal?

Idearc Media /
Idearc Media — Company will not honor promises of their sales rep

Idearc Media LLC Verizon
Official Publisher of Verizon Print Directories Instead of Superpages, they are Super Liars

Idarc - Verizon Superpages - Idearc Media Corporate Headquarters Will Not Cancel my Advertising and Just doubled my monthly bill without my authorization