Cruel and unusual treatment of passengers and DIRTY BROKEN buses - ALL


I will continue to titter, post etc as long as I have energy after a night of no sleep I have very little here today. I never plan to take greyhound again after my experiences on trip referenced above. I will also make sure none of my family does either. The issues are too numerous for this box and a more formal letter will follow. Nearly every single staff I encountered was rude and unhelpful if not argumentative. The very best of my encounters was still delivered with an attitude. People smoked on the bus and nothing was done. The bus was FILTHY with broken lights and seats. The luggage racks were broken and squeaked so loud not even my ipod would drown it out. Connections were missed due to lateness with no attempt to help current ticket holders over those with a later fact we had to fight to climb around under bus to find luggage. I paid 30$ to "ship" a third bad and there were no efforts by staff to retrieve the shipped items that i was told to not handle.

I have to return to work now but will follow up here to state and restate my concerns in every form possible.

I recognize that as passengers in your large system we have very little power, but this was both more expensive and much less convenient or satisfying than flying.
Every passenger I encountered had a similar horror story, like the young navy men whose bus was 2 hours delayed and the terminal closed anyway leaving them out in the cold for two hours (FREEZING temps) in fort Eustise/Newport News. Or the several passengers i saw being YELLED at by your staff.

Company: Greyhound
Country: USA
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Rude, Dirty, Inhumane - ALL

Experienced a terrible frustration

Greyhound Bus
CHEATED OUT OF REFUND - Tardy buses and staff

Greyhound Bus
GREYHOUND - Tardy buses and staff

Go Greyhound
And Get A Rude Bus Driver Go Greyhound and get yelled at by a rude bus drive

Greyhound Bus
Long Uncomfortable Ride - Tardy buses and staff

Greyhound Bus Co
Lost/stole luggage

Greyhound Bus
Greyhound customer service holding niece with paid ticket - Tardy buses and staff

Greyhound Bus
Greyhound new policy and lateness - Greyhound

Greyhound Bus
GREYHOUND BUS IS THE WORST - Tardy buses and staff