gives users a FALSE sense of security New York


Before I begin, I want to make it clear that I'm not condemning BeenVerified. However, their advertising suggests that they offer comprehensive background screening that will keep you safe from criminals and unsavory people. This is NOT true.
BeenVerified is a background screening service that claims to conduct thorough checks on individuals. Their commercial, which airs on CBS and CNN, depicts people who have "checked" their mortgage broker, accountant, and even blind dates. BeenVerified is clearly suggesting that if you use their service, you will have a clear picture of a person and you will know who you can trust. All you have to do is pay the fee (or use the free trial), type in a name, and the service will do the rest. Here's the very obvious and scary problem:
BeenVerified does NOT have access to nationwide criminal records. ONLY law enforcement has a definitive "catch-all" database for arrests and criminal fact, there are very few states that have criminal convictions available electronically to the average joe. BeenVerified MAY have access to certain jurisdictions, but what if the person in question is a felon in another state? What if the person was a criminal 15 or 20 years ago, long before courthouses began making records available electronically? The person you met online could easily have a record. Your accountant or mortgage broker could just be a fraudster. BeenVerified does NOT have the capability to check all available sources completely, but it's commercial and website suggests that they do. Do not let this make you feel safer!
Read the fine print on their website!
"This information should not be used for employment, tenant screening, or any FCRA related purposes. BeenVerified does not make any representation or warranty as to the character or the integrity of the person, business, or entity that is the subject of any search inquiry." (The commercial suggests the COMPLETE opposite, btw)
What is the purpose of the service, then? Checking out your buddies for fun? What the above paragraph means is that BeenVerified's service is unreliable and incomplete. They are writing this to avoid lawsuits. If an employer uses the service to check a potential hire and the record comes up clean when in fact the person is a felon in another state, BeenVerified is protected legally. BeenVerified is protected, but YOU are not.
Do not let BeenVerifieds commercial convince you that their checks are comprehensive. The best way to conduct an actual background screening and not just waste time, you need a trained professional - someone who will identify footprints, check relevant jurisdictions, and send someone to physically check courthouse records. It won't cost thousands, but you should never skimp on keeping yourself, your business and your family safe.
If you want more information, always feel free to send me an email. If you're serious about background screening, I'd be happy to give you a good referall.

Country: USA
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