Samsung Telecommunications America, Inc
Samsung Behold Phone malfunctions 3 weeks out of warranty


I have the Samsung Behold touch screen phone which is less than 1 month out of warranty. The touch screen will not work and this phone can now only be recalibrated by a factory technician. They want $70.00 plus S&H to fix this problem. I think that this is a design flaw due to the fact that the phone has no hard reset that would restore the calibration to factory defaults. I also feel that malfunctions so close to warranty should be fixed under warranty. I will not buy another samsung phone and maybe not ever buy a samsung product (at least knowingly). I am very Irate because I spent a lot of money on this phone and it is worthless. A $15 Nokia cel phone now outperforms this worthless Behold phone built by Samsung.

Company: Samsung Telecommunications America, Inc
Country: USA
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Samsung Telecommunications America
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