Home Helpers Franchising
H.H. Franchising Lies, Excessive Ongoing Fees, Expensive, Fraud, Bad Business Plan


Everything that is mentioned in the other post is true about Home Helpers.
I was so excited to have my own business — I am so disappointed and beaten down now. I think back to what I was told, how they did their sales pitch, how they said "it's not important about the UFOC circular, you should not be concerned about how much another owner has earned, because it's up to you on how much you make!" What a crock a crap!
I have wasted so much time of my life trying to make this successful, trying to give CORP the benefit of the doubt. But this bad business plan, the extra fees, the software you HAVE to purchase for 700-800 and then pay another $135 a month to run (what other software do you purchase for this amount and have to pay this much for support?), the price you have to charge your clients and what you have to pay your caregivers, the state licensing requirements and fees, the vendors they force you to use... It just does not work folks. It's never ending, running in circles and never growing.
You think you are a business owner, when really you have CORP forcing you do things, you have the state forcing you and threatening you, and you have the other owners who bully you.
Pulled from another owner's statement: "Do not believe what these people tell you about "profit per service hour" - it's all a bunch of hype to get you to buy a franchise. The amount per hour that you have to charge to overcome their ongoing monthly "royalties" and "branding fees" and still turn a profit will make your service cost much higher than other non-franchise home care agencies in your area." — This is the absolute truth.
Pulled from another statement: "Your fellow franchisees are your biggest competition even if you have a set "territory". They will back stab you and ruin your business any way they can because they are all hungry and need any and all clients they can get. They are not above personal attacks either." — this has been my experience as well... A bunch of money hungry, back stabbing, immature, petty people who just don't get the fact that if you worked together you will be more successful. You end up with a few people who think they are the King & Queen of HH in your area and some how you have to abide by their standards or they don't talk or work with you.
Everyone reading this who feels the same way, please register and speak your mind. STRENGTH IN NUMBERS!!! Let's start talking about what was in our contract that is not legal, let's starting discussing when you received your UFOC circular and what was in it.
Do not purchase a Home Helpers or Direct Link franchise!
I would also be interested in joining a class action lawsuit.

Company: Home Helpers Franchising
Country: USA
State: Ohio
City: Cincinnati
Address: 10700 Montgomery Road
Site: homehelpers.cc
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