Creative Search Training
THAT IT PROFIT Learn how to make money by using Google, Just $1.95. My wife discovered the $129.95 charge to our credit card. We contcted our credit card company and THATITPROFIT was the company billing us?


I signed up for with Creative Search Training for $1.95. My wife discovered that we had been billed $129.95. We contacted our credit card company and got our money back temporarily but the company that billed us was THATITPROFIT. Watchout for these companies they are thieves.

Company: Creative Search Training
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Cave Creek
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Creative Search Training
Creative Search Training Promised to refund money and provided a confirmation number

Creative Search Training Misleading! Scam! Rip-off!

Creative Search Training

Creative Search Training
Claim there was a 3 day time period in which you could reverse order. I ordered on 12/20/09 and called 12/28/09. Never saw 3 day

Creative Search Training

Income Easy Street
Creative Search Training - Creative Synergy Training Google Easy Street Scam charged me $129.95, I received nothing but an empty bank account

Income easy street Income Easy Street - Creative Search Training - Creative Synergy Training Google Easy Street Scam ripped me off for $129.95

Income Easy Street
Google Easy Street, Creative Search Training, Creative Synergy Training. I got scammed like many others. Never downloaded the software and never used them!

Creative Labs
Warning never buy Creative Labs products

Creative Search Training
Wow Clik Money, 1-877-391-8857 Charged me $129.95 without my knowledge. I was supposed to be charged $1.95 for information only