Adas spirit works
Over charging money for ceremonies-not correcting mistakes-pointing fingers


I would like to say that i have been a consumer at adas in the past and i have had lots of spiritual done and was charged alot of money. There has been times when the work wasn't working and i brought it to her attention, and nothing was rectified from the mistake. I have had things work against me instead of for me. I have felt things were done for money and not in the best interest of the client. I know that she over charges according to other santerias. Once she obtains your money for work she feels she has done all she could without looking into what was wrong, its the i don't care attitude that is bothering some. I have been in the shop when things were done unprofessional and unprofessional things said. I have been in the store when ms brown worked there she was more curtious, helpful, and professional then the owner. The owner will brush you off when she did not want to deal with you or she would through you off on the worker. Ms ada has charged thousands of dollars for ceremonies and have used live animals in her shop for sacrafices. She may have two shops that does not make her saint or as if she is better then or have more then the next person.

Company: Adas spirit works
Country: USA
State: New York
City: Albany
Address: 260 lark st
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